Add PEN/DOT Liquidity to StellaSwap
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To become a PEN/DOT liquidity provider on Stellaswap DEX on Moonbeam and earn yield plus PEN and STELLA rewards, follow these simple steps.
If you already have PEN >> skip to step 2.
Signup with MEXC and purchase Pendulum (step-by-step guide) Withdraw your PEN tokens to your Pendulum address. If you need help setting up your Polkadot/Pendulum wallet, check out our docs.
You can swap a variety of Polkadot native assets (e.g. DOT, USDT, USDC) for PEN tokens using the Stellaswap trading UI on Moonbeam. To bring your Polkadot assets to Moonbeam, you can use the Cross-chain transfer UI from Stellaswap.
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To obtain Polkadot native DOT you can visit one of these major CEXes it is listed on. Options include Binance, kraken, Coinbase and more.
DOT can be purchased on a number of decentralized exchanges, including Stellaswap, Zenlink and HydraDX (see dapp list) using the Stellaswap cross-chain swap feature you can trade a variety of assets from Ethereum or other Blockchains for DOT on Moonbeam (xcDOT) with one click.
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GLMR serves as gas for transactions on Moonbeam.
To obtain GLMR, you can use any of the CEXes it is available on. After purchase, withdraw them to your Moonbeam EVM address that you will use for providing liquidity.
You can obtain GLMR by visiting the Gas Swap option on Stellaswap and swap a variety of EVM assets or native Polkadot DOT into GLMR.
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Bridge assets that are tradeable on Stellaswap to the Moonbeam blockchain. Conveniently use the XCM transfer tool to transfer PEN and DOT to Moonbeam via the Stellaswap UI. The assets on Moonbeam are labeled as xcPEN and xcDOT. For this transfer you will connect both your polkadot wallet (Subwallet, Talisman etc) and your EVM wallet (Metamask etc).
Use Stellaswap’s swap feature to exchange xcPEN for xcDOT and vice versa for portfolio balancing and preparing your liquidity pool position.
xcPEN contract address: 0xffFFfFFf2257622F345E1ACDe0D4f46D7d1D77D0 xcDOT contract address: 0xFfFFfFff1FcaCBd218EDc0EbA20Fc2308C778080
Note: You will need to import these tokens to your EVM wallet (Metamask etc) UI to display them in your wallet.
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Once you have sufficient DOT and PEN find “Pool” in the navigation menu. Choose the pair “PEN/DOT” and click “Deposit”. Or simply click here. Experienced liquidity providers have the option to select ‘Expert’ range and edit the desired price range to optimize your fees. Newer liquidity providers can consider choosing a wider range like ‘Full Range’ to lower your risk. Enter the amount of PEN and DOT you want to add as liquidity and confirm the transaction.
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Early liquidity providers will be rewarded with PEN and STELLA tokens for a liquidity mining period of 3 months on top of their yield from trading fees. Stellaswap will issue an NFT to represent your LP position. Click on your position and click ‘Farm Now’ then ‘Deposit’. Note, this step is crucial to activate your position for farming rewards. You will automatically be eligible to claim trading fee rewards without completing this step.